Project Information
Southwest Michigan Solar Project, LLC is proposing a 100 megawatt (MW) solar energy facility and 52 MW battery energy storage facility in Decatur and Hamilton townships in Van Buren County, Michigan. We are excited to be working in partnership with local officials and landowners to bring a generator of clean, homegrown solar electricity to the region. The output of the project is equal to the electricity used by approximately 28,000 Michigan households.
Positive Economic Benefits
Solar projects provide new property tax revenue for host townships and school districts.
New Jobs
and Earnings
During construction, solar projects generate new jobs and earnings for host communities and regions.
Locally Sourced Sustainable Power
Solar energy generation provides a sustainable, long-term economic development opportunity for rural communities.
Earth-Friendly Renewable Energy
A solar project provides a healthy, productive economic development opportunity for local landowners to harvest a stable cash crop–the sun.

Explore the Benefits that Solar Energy has to Offer
Utility-scale solar is increasing across the U.S. because it is low cost, safe, operates almost silently, and exists in harmony with agriculture, wildlife and the environment. The more solar power generated in Michigan means there is less dependence on out-of-state electricity generation.
In the bigger picture, solar energy projects provide an abundant, earth-friendly, sustainable power resource to help stabilize electricity costs. These amazing systems lessen carbon emissions and contribute to the diversification of the nation’s electricity grid.
Closer to home, solar energy facilities produce direct positive economic impacts by increasing the local tax base and creating stable revenue to fund the Decatur Public Schools and other local tax jurisdictions. Host communities typically experience economic boosts for local businesses and the opportunities for new jobs–primarily during the construction phase.

Southwest Michigan Solar Project Facts
Project News &
COMPLETED - View the presentation here.
The project will hold a community meeting on April 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Decatur Township Hall (103 East Delaware St, Decatur) to introduce the project and address questions and comments. Following the community meeting, the project will finalize its site plan and submit land use permit applications to Decatur and Hamilton townships. Upon receipt of its land use permits and the completion of other development requirements, construction is planned to start in 2023 and commercial operation is planned to commence in 2024.